
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pat Robertson Predicts 2013

God is talking to Pat and we get the benefit of that. Of course it is bad shit.
But here is his predictions back in 2008


  1. Pat needs to retire - the "god" who is giving him these phoney prophecies isn't the infallible God of the Bible. Pat is doing more harm than good, and making genuine Christians look like nuts.

  2. YouTube. Jonathan cahn the harbinger.

  3. Everyone has a religion. Atheism has killed more people in the last 100 years than all other religious wars combined in all of human history.

  4. To Anonymous: You're a liar. The Bible chronicles millions of people killed as a result of God's petulant anger (the Flood, attacks on Canaan, etc.) It's estimated 50 million women, men and children were killed during the Catholic Inquisition of the Middle Ages. Hitler was a Catholic who invoked Jesus and God and sent his soldiers into war with the words "GOD WITH US" ("GOTT MIT UNS") inscribed on their belt buckles, and he killed millions upon millions. It's unfortunate that your grasp of history is so poor.

  5. "Its sad....we are supposed to be living our lives reflecting Jesus to the world and his principles but sadly many "christians" live for the world just as much as the so called lost are and they are blinded to it and the effects its having on themselves is deceiving and how its turning so many away from God.
