
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Harold Camping - So Predictable

Like I said in my prior post, bullshit would follow more bullshit and just like the Jesus story everything is true even the lies.

"I can tell you personally," Camping told his listeners, and a collection of journalists live in the studio, "that when May 21 came and went it was a very difficult time for me." He spent Saturday night in a hotel, avoiding the press and praying. But "the light dawned" when he read a quote from his friend Gabriel Otero, who told "local newsmedia" that, back on September 7, 1994, the last time Camping predicted the end of the world, Godhad returned "in a mystical way." And, in reading Otero's words, Camping realized that he had been "looking at the Bible too earthly... when the Bible is a very spiritual book." Which led him to conclude:

We were convinced that on May 21, God would return in a very physical way by bringing in an earthquake and ushering the final five months of judgement. When we look at it spiritually, we find that he did come.

See, the rapture did happen, it just didn't happen in a "visible" way. He was totally right the whole time! The world is still in the process of ending. "We have not made a mistake insofar as the timeline," Camping said. It's just that judgement day was "spiritual," not "physical." And, in light of this, the promotional campaign is over:

We're not going to pass out any more tracts. We're not going to put up any more billboards — in fact they're coming down right now... The world has been warned. The world is under judgment... We're just learning we have to look at all of this more spiritual [sic]. But it won't be spiritual on October 21.

1 comment:

  1. No, on October 21 it'll be just the same as on May 21, which wasn't spiritual either. It was ordinary.

    What a ninny.

    --Lady Atheist
