
Sunday, April 10, 2011

TN House Votes for Stupidity

The Tennessee House of Representatives in a 70-28 vote (bill HR 0368 text) on April 7, 2011 encourages teachers to promote woo-woo without fear of reprisal. You know they won't teach astrology which this could cover but creationism (un-intelligent design - wink, wink), a baseless myth. This applies to kindergarden to seniors in high school students. Make them dumb while their young. The bill specifically called out biological evolution, the chemical origins of life, global warming and human cloning, but it also lies by saying it shall not be construed to promote or discriminate against any religious or non-religious doctrine. If I were a teacher I would start teach new age witchcraft. That would be a laugh.

There is no scientific controversy on evolution or global warming. Just religious nuts who are blinded by their fairy tales.

Louisiana in 2008 passed a similar law so that teachers could teach students religious anti-evolution bullshit.

The Tennessee Senate has before it an identical bill, SB 0893 which is most likely to be passed at the end of this month and Governor Bill Haslam will sign it into law.

Stupid is as stupid does.

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