
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Did Obama Become The AntiChrist?

Jack Van Impe, in the video below, predicted on 2/9/2009 that Obama will be the anti-christ and control the whole world, the new world order. All will worship him. Van Impe has NEVER seen anything like this. He is quite delighted with his prediction from almost 30 years ago in his book "11:59 And Counting!" that we would see someday see economic collapse (like that is so hard to predict). He quotes the Bible that the antichrist will come from the west. Wouldn't China from the east be a better choice since the U.S. owes China trillions of dollars, they are better positioned to control the whole world? Rexella, his cohost and wife, is such a bobble head.

So two years have passed since Van Impe made this prediction. With the turn over in Congress Obama is more slipping than gaining ground and I don't see any countries asking Obama to be their king. Van Impe prediction - fail.

He also quotes the Bible that says at the end of the world (NOW!!) people with throw away their gold and silver.

Ezekiel 7:9
They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be an unclean thing. Their silver and gold will not be able to save them in the day of the LORD’s wrath

You know how they have warnings on cigarette packs and also on side affects of drugs. I think this Bible text should be aired with every buy gold commercial on Fox. Side affects may be the Lord's wrath will devalue this product.

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