
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

God Is A Victim

In human psychology a pattern emerges of persons who feel a need to save someone else. For those in addiction, these people are their co-dependents.


At first it looks quite unselfish and we marvel at the sacrifice. But under the covers other patterns are seen. The savior eventually turns into a persecutor. The co-dependent knows what is best for the addicted "sinful" person. It is self-evident what needs to happen, but the sinful person doesn't follow the advice. The savior becomes anger and resentful that the advise is not taken. Then the savior begins to harass and threaten the evil doer with abandonment and/or punishment. Still the evil one keeps doing evil. The savior turned persecutor turns now to be the victim. I have done all I could for them and they still refuse. As you read the Bible that is the Lord Almighty, only He is the one who set it all up. He created Adam and Eve fully knowing Eve would be deceived by Satan as a talking snake who He allowed to be present on the earth and visible to her. Then to His Almighty shock they fell. Then begins the incessant need to save, to persecute (hell good enough for you) and then the victim. It greived him he made man. He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

The God of the Bible - Savior, Persecutor and Victim. Christians try to promote the first one, but then turned to the other two just like the God they worship as soon as they detect any resistance.

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