
Monday, November 22, 2010

Why Can't We Get Any Straight Answers from Christianity?

I go now and again to the Christian Post to see what the crazies are doing. One recent article was about how hard the Bible is. The author, John Piper, even quotes Peter saying even for Peter it was hard but evil people (like me) twist it to their eternal damnation. But have no fear John Piper will give us the straight poop in upcoming articles.

I posted this comment (currently 13 readers disagree with it):
It is hard because the bible is flawed and has contradictions. Biblical authors had differing viewpoints just as today. You cannot get a Mormon to agree with a Seventh-day Adventist. Knowing that this is a primitive book and differing viewpoints on what life is all about, really clears up any issues. Take what you like and leave the rest.
A reader waltman had to try and save me. I bet if I replied to this and didn't thank him for showing me the light he would tell me I am going to hell. Too bored to do that. But his reply amused me.
Dear exminister, everyone has doubts and our hearts are prone to wander. We are so weak and the evil one is strong but God is far stronger and He can restore your faith. King David, one my heros, struggled with doubts. In Psalm 35:3b he said Say to my soul, "I am your salvation!" David had doubts and he cried out for reassurance. All Christians will go through times when we don’t feel his presence but we are not to be content in them. We are to cry out for God to comfort our souls and He will.

Matthew 7: 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” That doesn’t mean turn the TV off for 5 seconds and pray. Seek God like you would chase after something that could be the answer to the very innermost longings of your heart.

If you don’t trust in the whole Bible then at least trust in the gospel for that is the key to hope, joy and love. “The gospel is not a complicated message. At its core the gospel is a love story. God loves humanity. Humanity breaks God’s heart. God sacrifices His Son to heal the rift. And, to those humans who respond in faith, they live happily ever after.”

The Bible and other historical texts confirm that Jesus’ enemies and followers believed He died on the cross and many witnesses believed to their very deaths that He rose again. Belief in the gospel is not blind faith but it is rock solid. Don’t bet your eternity that Jesus tricked the Roman soldiers that He was dead or that His early followers hid the body so they could live a life of poverty and persecution.

And if you believe in the gospel and really live it out it changes everything. We know that God loves us unconditionally because He died for us while we were still sinners and His enemies. If you’ve turned your back on Holy God you can know He still loves you and has given everything to get you back. He wants you back.

Rejoice in this good news. Say it out loud: “God loves me. I am the object of His affection. When I sin it grieves His spirit. When I cry He cries with me. When I rejoice it brings Jesus joy.” God gave everything that we might possess all. The whole gospel leads to one place – "that we might forever enjoy the glory of God," said Piper. Enjoy Christ who died for you.

Meditate on the gospel, enjoy the gospel, bathe in the gospel. When you do you will want to know Him more. It’s true that the Bible can be confusing but when you read it as a letter from the one who loves you more than any other so much more is clear. Listen to pastors like John Piper and let them feed you. Pray without ceasing and cry out that God would say to your soul “I am your salvation!”
My heart doesn't wander, it just doesn't buy BS. I don't need to cry out to an all-seeing, all-knowing God. Been there done that, got the t-shirt. Jesus said knock and it will be open to you. He didn't say frantically pound.

Hey check it out I don't have to believe the whole Bible. Maybe it is not perfect - Oh No. LOL.

It is not complicated. Oh course not. Look at how many non-skeptical, unintelligent people believe it. It is not complicated but apparently it is hard. Maybe because they don't accept it is a flawed book. You just cannot get all the parts to agree with each other. It is so much easier accepting the truth than fighting it or twisting it to make it fit.

At least trust the gospel? God created me to die and suffer, but wait, he will kill himself to appease himself so I can be with him. If you saw a human doing that you would call him insane. God loves humanity. HA...HA...HA. If waltman treated his child that way he would get locked up.

I cannot talk to any witnesses who say Jesus rose from the dead. It is blind faith and would not hold up in an honest court of law. He says he know this but he doesn't.

I am not betting my eternity on some made up story. If I do that I will have to start believing every story I read. Pascal's Wager is for idiots, even Paul the Apostle agrees - 1 Corinthians 15:12-19

Meditate, bathe the gospel. Let John Piper feed me. In other words force yourself to believe the bullshit. Pass.

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