
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Condescending Preacher Man

Hopefully this kid didn't buy the BS from preacher man. He points to a building and says who created that? The kid smiles - humans. The preacher man says well look at nature who created that? Somehow we are to assume Jesus. But for me I would take him back to the building and ask what was the name of the guy who built that? Oh, it wasn't a guy, it was a bunch of guys. Oh, preacher man, you are a polytheist. Was it Zeus and Hephaestus who created the trees and birds?
Some great comments on Youtube:

Nothing but an arrogant, sanctimonious asshole pretending he has something intelligent to say while he dares to spew one stupid fallacy after another that have been thoroughly refuted so many times in the past. Characteristically, the ignorant don't know when they are ignorant.

As usual, these Christians are never interested in a debate. They are merely interested in preaching. It's always so. Always. And the bullshit about the Bible prophesying anything is absurd. This guy should read the Bible more carefully.

Just read Ezekiel chapter 37, it doesn't mention any names of any modern countries at all. It mentions 'Gomer', but that could be any central European country, once again a very vague prophecy.

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