
Monday, October 18, 2010

Faith To Be An Atheist?

There is this book I see fundies promoting with glee, "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Norman L. Geisler". I am told I cannot argue with them until I have read it. What kind of cop out is that? I am going to waste my hard earned dollars and time reading this book and then I will not find them again on the internet. That is bullshit. If the arguments were so convincing why can't they spell it out? Could it be the book simply reaffirmed what they thought and therefore was no challenge? They agreed with what they agreed with.

I did spend a little time looking at the comments on Amazon both pro and con. It is just the same tired old arguments for the existence of God. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt for it. How can a recent book suddenly present a new argument that philosophers spent centuries coming up with and debating? No, you aren't going to find anything new. After all religion is locked in time thousands of years ago and fundies don't allow for new ideas. They are dead thoughts. Nothing new. C.S. Lewis was recommended as heads and shoulders above this book and his arguments are pretty inconclusive. In the end it takes faith to believe something you cannot see or test. This new book is all just marketing and my dad can beat up your dad line of arguing. I will save my money and time.

But on the matter do I need faith to not believe in God? Well, do they need faith not to believe in the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus? Do they need faith to not believe in Zeus, Venus, Ra, Horus and countless other gods? It is another stupid twist in Christian thinking that they must push on us their belief system and accuse us of what they do. They have no hard evidence and have to have this leap of faith. We look at the evidence and say it is at best inconclusive. That is not faith even though they spin their propaganda that it is. A big yawn fest and it convinces the convinced.

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