
Friday, September 24, 2010

God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It


  1. And GOD is 100% correct: The Nazi atheists wish to ABOLISH FAITH....
    you say so in your blog

    jjesus is an nazi atheist that needs money to abolish faith

  2. Mario: Hitler was a born and baptized Roman Catholic, not an atheist. He wore a belt buckle that had on it God mit uns (god with us). He spoke of his belief in Jesus and how he and the Catholic church hated the Christ killers. One of Hitlers first acts in 1933 was to abolish all atheist organizations. You say God is 100% correct that Nazi "atheist" wish to abolish faith. Please provide references in whatever holy book you believe in.

    Where do I say I want to abolish faith? I don't. That is contrary to my beliefs. I would rather people look at the evidence for their "faith" (things they believe in without evidence). People who hear the voice of God don't need rational thought and have little regard for those who don't hear the same voice of God.(see 9/11 and bible & koran & church history)

    An atheist only has rational thought. He isn't saying he knows the Almighty and you better watch out. We need freedom of thought to grow from our primitive history. In no way would I want to burn any books or erase any history or any people. The monotheist religions have shown their proclivity to do just that. Wake up.
