
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Tyranny of Scripture - Pat Condell

It is amazing how Christians hide behind scripture. They dare not think for themselves. They also use it to justify the most horrible behaviors.

If you got a headful of scripture then you got a headful of ideas that have stopped growing. That would be a headful of dead ideas.
Talk to the scripture cuz the head ain't listening.


  1. It is perhaps one of the most fundamentally annoying things about engaging with fundamentally-aligned religious folks... the never ending referral to scripture, which is always the same fallacy: begging the question.

    Scripture is a wall which protects them, most likely from their own fear of being empty. If one has believed in god his or her whole life, then what must it feel like to lose him? Terrifying, utterly terrifying.

    I like immensely the song "Black & Gold" by Sam Sparro. Other than sounding cool, I believe it describes perfectly this dilemma faced by people who cling too tightly to their religion. It is also framed around evolution:
    If the fish swam out of the ocean
    and grew legs and they started walking
    and the apes climbed down from the trees
    and grew tall and they started talking

    and the stars fell out of the sky
    and my tears rolled into the ocean
    now i'm looking for a reason why
    you even set my world into motion

    'cause if you're not really here
    then the stars don't even matter
    now i'm filled to the top with fear
    that it's all just a bunch of matter

    'cause if you're not really here
    then i don't want to be either
    i wanna be next to you
    black and gold
    black and gold
    black and gold

    i looked up into the night sky
    and see a thousand eyes staring back
    and all around these golden beacons
    i see nothing but black

    i feel a way of something beyond them
    i don't see what i can feel
    if vision is the only validation
    then most of my life isn't real

    'cause if you're not really here
    then the stars don't even matter
    now i'm filled to the top with fear
    that it's all just a bunch of matter

    'cause if you're not really here
    then i don't want to be either
    i wanna be next to you
    black and gold
    black and gold
    black and gold
    The fear is that without religion, there is no greater purpose, there is no magic.

    Although the feeling of that loss is real, the premise from which the feeling arises is simply not true.

  2. I see it out on youtube

    Black & Gold

    Will give it a listen. Thanks.
