
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Story of Jesus done before - Krishna

Date of Birth
Krishna - July 18, 3328 BC
Jesus - December 25, 4 BC

Comparison of the Jesus and Krishna Myths

- Krishna is the son of the Virgin Devaki.
- Jesus is the son of the Virgin Mary.

- Krishna's birth occurs while his foster father, Nanda, is in his native city to pay taxes to the king, King Kansa.
- Jesus' birth occurs while his foster father, Joseph, is in his native city to pay taxes to the Governor.

- King Kansa tried to kill Krishna by ordeing the slaughter of all males born on the same day as Krishna.
- King Herod ordered the slaughter of all infants born on the same day as Jesus. (Matt 2:16)

- The Virgin Devaki is told by an angel, "In thy delivery, O favored among women, all nations shall have cause to rejoice."
- The Virgin Mary is told by an angel, "Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. (Luke 1:28-33)

- The nativity of Krishna is heralded by a star.
- The nativity of Jesus is heralded by a star.

- Krishna is born in a cave. The cave story is an indication of lower-class birthplace.
- Jesus is born in a cave. (Source: The Apocryphal Gospel entitled Protevangelion) The manger story (wherein Jesus was born in a stable) is an indication of a low-class birthplace.

- Krishna is visited in the cave by three wise men bearing gifts.
- Jesus is visited in the stable/cave by three wise men bearing gifts.

- The cave was mysteriously illuminated.
- The cave was illuminated so brightly Joseph and Mary's midwife could not tolerate the light. (Source: The Apocryphal Gospel Protevangelion)

- Nanda is warned by an angel to flee from King Kansa by crossing the Jumna River with the infant Krishna.
- Joseph is warned in a dream to flee from King Herod into Egypt with the infant Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

- The baby Krishna began speaking to his mother shortly after birth.
- The baby Jesus began speaking to the Virgin Mary shortly after his birth, saying, "Mary, I am Jesus, the Son of God, that WORD which thou didst bring forth according to the declaration of the Angel Gabriel to thee, and my Father hath sent me for the salvation of the world." (Source: The Apocryphal Gospel, The First Gospel of the Infancy)

- Krishna performs miracles in Mathura.
- Jesus performs miracles in the town of Materea in Egypt.

- Krishna is the second person of the Hindu Trinity: (1) Brahma, (2) Vishnu, (3) Siva. Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu.
- Jesus is the second person of the Christian Trinity: (1) God, the Father, (2) Jesus the Son, (3) the Holy Ghost.

- Krishna was crucified.
- Jesus was crucified.

- During the crucifixion, Krishna was wounded by an arrow.
- During the crucifixion, Jesus was wounded by a spear.

- At noon on the day of Krishna's crucifixion, the sun darkened.
- From the sixth hour to the ninth hour on the day of Jesus' crucifixion, the sun darkened.

- Krishna descended into Hell. He raised the dead. He brought back two boys from Hell.
- Jesus descended into Hell. He raised the dead. He brought back from Hell two boys, the sons of the high priest. (Source: The Apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus.)


  1. all wrong mr
    1. krishna was born in prison
    2. virgin are you kidding she had 7 babies before krishna, even though she was in prison from the day she got married. hey don't ask me i don't know she did with her husband or prison guards
    3. nobody visited him in prison, his father took him to the home of yashoda
    4. he was not crucified he was murdered in sleep by an arrow
    5. he never brought anybody back they even kept him there, he was never seen since the day he got killed.

    and you didn't mention that krishna was a thief, a cross dresser and a liar.

  2. its bull shit, you don't know anything
