
Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Elephants Have Become Christians!

You don't need to love your enemy you just need to pray for a herd of elephants to destroy their homes.

The story happened in India's Orissa state. In late 2008 radical Hindu mobs were trying to eradicate Christianity. Religions do that, don't they? They attacked the Kandhamal district killing 86 Christians and "an untold number of women were raped". They destroyed around 5,200 Christian homes and ransacked around 300 churches. Fifty thousand were made homeless.

Exactly one year to the day after the Kandhamal nightmare, 700 homes were trampled by fifteen elephants. Astonishingly,(the article writes) about six-hundred and fifty of those homes belonged to the Hindu radicals who took part in the rampage against believers one year earlier. One must assume God screwed over 50 Christian homes. But anyway, Glory to God in the highest. Wonder why it took God one year to figure out what to do? I guess all them Christian prayers eventually annoyed the hell out of him and he, Tarzan of the sky, YELLED and the elephants did his bidding. Frankly 12 elephants to match the number of apostles would have been a better prophetic number.

Wonder why it all has to be so convoluted. Bob Dylan wrote a powerful song before all the drugs took his muse away in a song called "With God on our side". He retells of all the violence done back and forth and how each side KNEW God was on their side. He concludes with this statement If God's on our side then He'll stop the next war. Why not? Oh, right he ain't there.

The license to kill
Romans 8:31: If God is for us, who can be against us?

Moriel Article

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